About Us

What is the Dead Rebel Society? The key word here, is...



1. One opposing or taking arms against a ruler, government, or authority.

2. A person rejecting some form of control, authority, or tradition


3. To resist, reject, or rise against a seen or unseen factor

4. To kick up dust.

5. Freedom from...

The Dead Rebel Society is a collective of like-minded individuals who uphold the values of those who fought and died for the liberties many of us enjoy and take for granted everyday. With each new leap forward in the way we work, play, and interact as a society, there were those who were misunderstood and even condemned for their individual beliefs. (IE Steve Jobs, Robin Williams, Amy Winehouse, Bruce Lee, Malcolm X, Zora Neale Hurston, etc...)

These beliefs however would usher into the world something new and great for all to enjoy. We as a people have a bad habit of not appreciating people while they are here and forgetting them and their contributions when they are gone... The Rebels seek to rectify this. Resisting the urge to selfishly ignore what the rebels before us fought and died for... We draw inspiration from the honor, that is flying a flag, in their memory.

In other words, we're a group of appreciative and passionate musicians who have a bone to pick with the way things are... We are innovators, forward thinkers, and retainers of all the greats we are influenced by... and we hope to walk in their footsteps one day, as people that have changed the world...

Fuck all that though... We just like to do good music and express ourselves. Join us ^_^